Hôtel Beau Séjour 3*** Saint Raphaël

Hotel Beau Séjour 3*** Saint Raphaël
HOTEL RESTAURANT LE BEAU SEJOUR 3*** is one of the first hotels in SAINT RAPHAEL. Created in 1930, the HOTEL BEAU SEJOUR de SAINT RAPHAEL is open 7/7 all year round. Facing the sea. the establishment consists of a 3*** hotel with 37 rooms (some with stunning views of the sea) and a café bar brasserie the BS CAFE BRASSERIE.

The location of the HOTEL BEAU SEJOUR 3 *** in the heart of SAINT RAPHAEL offers direct proximity to:

– Beaches

– Businesses and the market


– Restaurants

Saint Raphael Train Station (TGV)

– The Historic Centre

– Tourist points and major activities of the city of Saint Raphael:

– Water activities: boat, jet ski, diving, paddle, towed buoys, fishing

– Fun and cultural activities: cinemas, museums, discotheques, entertainment

HOTEL BEAU SEJOUR 3*** SAINT RAPHAEL is a family and friendly hotel. With friends, family, as a couple or for a business trip, for a short or long stay, everything is designed to make you spend an exceptional stay. From the private balcony of your room on the sea side, you can admire a panoramic view of the bay of SAINT RAPHAEL breathtaking!

The entire team is at your disposal to meet your needs: cultural activities, tourist information, transport (taxis, car or scooter rental), restaurant reservations, sports activities (tennis, boat rental, sea fishing, paddle, sailing, etc.) but also dry cleaning, hairdressers, well-being, body care, etc.

  • Welcoming, caring and professional staff
  • A great location, a dream destination
  • A hearty breakfast in your room overlooking the sea
  • A cocktail at BS CAFE BRASSERIE or in your room to enjoy a sunset over the bay of SAINT RAPHAEL
  • Attractive and economical prices
  • Rooms of large size
  • An electric bike rental
  • Charging stations for electric cars

Here in a few words how to describe the HOTEL RESTAURANT LE BEAU SEJOUR

Electric-assisted bike rental

We offer bike rental for our guests at the Beau Séjour hotel

Rental by the day, for several days, by the week or for several weeks.

– VAE (Electric Assistance Bike) adult in 28″

– Baby seat: up to 22 kg maximum

– Adjustable Child Helmet (compulsory for children under 12) and Adult

Please find attached our VAE prices

General rental conditions Electric bike

Mentions légales

Nom de la société: Société d’exploitation de l’hôtel Beausejour

Forme juridique: Sarl

Capital social: 8160.00€

Siren: 393 992 425 (RCS Fréjus – Var)

Siège social
Bd de la Libération 83700 Saint-Raphaël
Tel: 00 33 (0)4 94 95 03 75

Mail: info@hotelbeausejour.fr

Directeur de publication: Pascal DOUZOU – Gérant

TVAintracommunautaire: FR8399342500016


Site internet : http://www.beausejour-hotel.com/
E-mail : info@hotelbeausejour.fr

Le présent site internet est la propriété de l’Hôtel Le Beau Séjour*** dont le siège est au : Bd de la Libération 83700 Saint-Raphaël.

Graphisme, Développement, Référencement & Hébergement

Société : Rhonalpcom
Site : www.rhonalpcom.fr
Email : contact@rhonalpcom.fr
Tel : 04 75 45 40 32

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